Traffic Safety Around the School
Road Safety Around the School
Operating Hours of School Gates

Drop-Off and Pick-Up by Cars
1. Please note that Martia Road leading into the school is an enhanced school zone - no parking and waiting during the morning period from 6.45 am to 8.00 am and afternoon dismissal from 12.45 pm to 4.00 pm. In particular, parents should not park in front of the gates of the row of terrace houses opposite the school at Gate 1, as this will be an inconvenience to the residents who are driving their cars in / out of their houses.
2. Parents who pick up their daughters at Gate 1 along Martia Road shall not stop / park their cars along St Patrick’s Road and walk to the school to wait for their daughters. This will create obstruction to traffic along St Patrick’s Road and cause inconvenience to the residents living there.
3. Do arrive at Gate 1, 15 minutes after dismissal time to allow the school buses to leave the school premises first for the safety of our girls.
4. Parents who fetch their daughters at Gate 3 along Marine Parade Road will only be allowed to wait along the road between lamp posts 40A to 46A and you are reminded not to park and wait alongside or in the bus bay.
5. Traffic Police and LTA enforcement officers are frequently deployed around the school to issue summonses to errant drivers who flout traffic rules. The school, together with the residents around the school, will also seek LTA’s assistance to enhance enforcement action, if necessary.
6. To ensure smooth traffic flow during dismissal, parents should show patience while queuing to reach the school gate to fetch their daughters. Any cutting in line will only worsen the traffic flow.
7. NEA’s advice on public health seeks the help of schools to remind our parents to switch off their engines while waiting to fetch their children from school. Under the Environmental Protection and Management (Vehicular Emissions) Regulations, it is an offence to leave the engine of a motor vehicle running when it is stationary for reasons other than traffic conditions. Errant motorists can be fined up to a maximum of $5000.
We seek your kind co-operation in being considerate and gracious to ensure that our roads are safe for our children.
Students Walking to School
8. Parents and students walking to the school should use the proper pedestrian walk path and observing the proper pedestrian crossings whenever possible.
9. Foot paths along Martia Road and Marine Parade Road are available and should be used. Overhead bridge (outside Gate 2) should also be used when crossing to the bus stop opposite.
10. Students can enter the school via all 3 school gates within the respective gate operating hours.
Students taking Public Transport to School
11. Wait for the bus to stop completely before boarding or alighting.
12. Never play or stand in the bus bay.
Students Cycling to School
13. Do not use your mobile phone, even with an in-ear attachment, or listen to music through earphones while cycling.
14. Dismount and push the bicycle when using the pedestrian crossing.
15. Do not cycle within the school compound. Push your bicycle in and out of the school.
16. Park and secure your bicycle at the designated bicycle bay within the school compound.