Our Vision
Towards a FUN Mathematics learning experience for our students
Foster the development of problem-solving skills
Understand the connections between the world of Maths and the broader world in which we live
Nurture a positive attitude and spirit of perseverance in the pursuit of mathematical knowledge and skills
The Mathematics Department is dedicated to the goal of making the learning of Mathematics meaningful by offering our students various platforms and avenues to excel and improve in Maths.
Our instructional programme is aimed at building a strong foundation at lower levels and reinforcing concepts at upper levels, guiding students in problem-solving heuristics and addressing misconceptions.
Our teachers embrace the Growth mindset, and will patiently guide our students to embrace challenges and see failures as an opportunity to grow.
The array of enrichment programmes are planned with the aim of offering our students an opportunity to apply problem-solving strategies in everyday situations so that they can appreciate its relevance in real-life scenarios.
Our hope for our students is that they develop a positive attitude towards the learning of Mathematics and find the subject relevant, interesting and enjoyable. The challenge of solving a Mathematics problem is as desirable as a competitive sport, and we want every child to experience that moment of delight when they overcome a problem, which will motivate them to pursue Mathematics as a hobby or a life-long profession.
A range of assessment modes are used to provide parents and teachers with information and evidence of students’ progress in Mathematics. These assessment modes include:
Performance Tasks
Self and Peer Assessment
Our Approach to Problem-Solving – The REAL Way
The REAL approach is a problem-solving strategy that is based on the works of George Polya, an influential mathematician whose ideas on how problems can be solved, is widely used today. Polya identified these four basic principles of problem solving:
Understand the problem
Devise a plan
Carry out the plan
Look back
These principles are reflected in the REAL approach. The acronym is used with the intention of helping our students remember the four principles better.

Our Enrichment Programmes
Maths Olympiad Coaching Programme
The coaching programme started in 2009 to groom students who display an exceptional aptitude in competitive Mathematics. Members undergo training for 1 to 2 terms to equip them with the problem solving skills needed for rigorous mathematical Olympiads. Examples of Mathematics Olympiads students will participate in:
Singapore Asian Schools Maths Olympiad (SASMO)
Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools - organized by Hwa Chong Institution (SMOPS)
National Mathematical Olympiad of Singapore - organized by NUS High School (NMOS)
Excellence 2000 (e2K)
The e2K is an enrichment programme for Primary 4 to 6 students who demonstrate interest and ability in Mathematics. It aims to develop our students’ mathematical reasoning skills and deepen their conceptual understanding through an inquiry approach. Students will have opportunities to collaborate with their peers and engage in mathematical thinking through puzzles, game and mathematical explorations. The rich learning experiences offered by the programme serve to help students develop the habits, attitudes and dispositions mathematicians possess, and gain important 21st century competencies such as critical thinking and effective communication skills.
Maths Showcase
As a post-PSLE activity, Primary 6 students will present Maths concepts in a fun and engaging way to the Primary 1 and 2 students. The concepts are presented in the form of challenges, puzzles and games and our Primary 6’s did a good job in facilitation, and everyone is clearly engaged and enjoying their learning. This platform also gives our senior graduating students a chance to bond and interact with their juniors.
Mathematics Trail
The Mathematics trail is a stimulating experience for our students and offers them an opportunity to solve mathematical problems while interacting with her classmates within our school compound and at outdoor locations such as the East Coast Park and Gardens by the Bay.
The activities emphasize relevant Mathematical skills such as estimation and mental calculation. Students will also be able to relate some Science and National Education concepts during the trail.